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NICABM Presents: Treating Trauma Master Series

NICABM Presents

Treating Trauma Master Series

FREE March 6th - 10th
11 am, 2 pm, and 6 pm ET (US)

Beginning Monday, March 6th, with the first session: The Neurobiology of Trauma - What’s Going On In the Brain When Someone Experiences Trauma? 

Each day NICABM will broadcast one of the five modules for FREE. You’ll also be able to purchase the entire program, including downloads, transcripts, and extra bonuses.

Friday, March 10th Dr. Levine presents How to Work with the Limbic System to Reverse the Physiological Imprint of Trauma.

Along with Dr. Levine, this program features Bessel van der Kolk, Stephen Porges, Dan Siegel, Allan Schore, and other leaders in trauma treatment.  

“I feel . . .  paralyzed.”

Those are difficult words to hear from clients, especially when they struggle to work through past trauma.

How can we tell when talking to a client about their traumatic experience is helpful . . .

 . . . and when it’s actually keeping them from moving forward?

But we must remember one important aspect of treating trauma – talk therapy often isn't enough.

That’s why we urge you to join the final FREE 5-part series in the Treating Trauma Master Series.

This series will focus on what limbic system therapy is and how you can use it to help your clients resolve trauma stored in their body and nervous system.


  • Why Targeting the Limbic System Can Make Our Interventions More Effective

  • How to Tell When Talk Therapy Could Be Keeping Your Client Stuck in Trauma

  • How to Use Movement to Help A Client’s Body “Unlearn” Its Adaptation to Trauma

  • How to Use Limbic System Therapy to Reverse Feelings of Powerlessness After Trauma

  • What to Look for in a Traumatized Client’s “Movement Vocabulary”

  • One Key Approach to Use with Clients Who Are Unable to Verbalize Their Trauma

  • How Past Trauma May Hurt a Client’s Ability to Protect Themselves from Future Trauma (and How to Break the Cycle)

Again, you can watch this final information-packed 5-series broadcast FREE of charge – just sign up and choose a time that works for you.

If you’d like to keep every session of the Treating Trauma Master Series in your permanent library, you can purchase a Gold Subscription at an introductory price now.

CE/CME credits are available.

Presented by NICAM.