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Agate Institute Presents: Somatic Experiencing® Clinical Case w/ Dr. Levine

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Join us for this unique and extraordinary series where you can watch and learn from some of the best experts and master teachers in the field as they navigate through some of their most complicated adult cases. You will be exposed to multiple theoretical frameworks and ways of looking at the clinical landscape of Adults with complex clinical presentations. What theories and what approaches guided their clinical decision making and case conceptualization as well as the treatment strategies they used that proved effective will be presented. These master clinicians will share with us the dilemmas and intricacies they faced and how they resolved them as well as what they discovered from working with these cases that we all can learn from and utilize. A one-of-a-kind Online experience that students and practitioners should attend. This is an incredible opportunity to dive into the heart of clinical practice accompanied by some of the very best!

Somatic Experiencing® Clinical Case w/ Peter A Levine, PhD

Developed by Peter A Levine, Ph.D., Somatic Experiencing® (SE™) is a naturalistic and neurobiological approach to treating trauma and other stress-related disorders. SE offers a framework to assess where a person is “stuck” in the trauma responses of fight, flight, freeze, or collapse and provides practical tools appropriate to aid professionals as well as the general public in healing the effects of trauma. SE support guides people to be fully present, in the here and now, and able to move forward in life and personal relationships.

During this program, Dr. Levine will examine through an adult client session, how “bottom-up” (non-verbal) processing aids in the discovery of our innate self-protective responses to threats, establishes felt boundaries, and can foster a deeper connection with our authentic Selves. It is in this connection with ourselves that we can better connect to others.  

  • Demonstrate SE tools for Self- regulation.

  • Differentiate between top-down and bottom-up processing and discuss how they can work together.

  • Classify the trauma response as a set of defensive bodily reactions mobilized to protect us.

  • Describe how shame, defeat, and humiliation, associated with the original traumatic event, replay themselves repeatedly in the body.

  • Define how trauma-based perceptions remain fundamentally unchanged until the internal experience of the body changes.

Click for Access to Dr. Levine's Individual Module

Click for Access to the Entire Series

All registrants will have unlimited access to the video archived recording for 3 months whether they attend live or not.

This program is hosted by the AGATE Institute. Please contact them with any questions.